Message from the Manitoba Eco-Network
Spring has seemed quite far away from Manitoba during this past month. The strangeness of the weather underscores the importance of our work and the work of the entire environmental sector. We recognize that overwhelm from all that needs to change is a real experience, which is why we decided to mark Earth Day 2022 with a talk from local educator Kristina Hunter about How to Avoid Overwhelm as an Eco-Conscious Person. The basics of good self-care can go a long way toward having the resolve to keep fighting.
A bit of good news is that Bill 22, which would have ended restrictions on cosmetic pesticide use in residential settings, has been delayed until the fall. We have a window of opportunity to protect people, pets, and wildlife from harm. If you are interested in working to keep this ban in place, the folks with Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Manitoba have great knowledge and can use all the help they can get to keep the pressure on.