The Eco-Journal is a quarterly publication with content that features environmentally-conscious topics and perspectives from across the province. We would love to learn more about environmental initiatives, programs, developments, or other fun things you may be involved with lately!
Submission Guidelines
Articles must be 500-1200 words, and can include 2-3 high resolution images (photos, charts, illustrations)
Any art, poetry, or photo essay submissions (space permitting) must be high-quality for print photos. Also please note that final print copies may feature submissions in black and white.
The EcoJournal is currently on hold, anyone interested in taking an editorial role to revamp the publication, please contact us.
Submissions are closed
email: info@mbeconetwork.org
Physical copies of the Eco-Journal can be found at Winnipeg Public Library locations across the city or obtained at the Eco-Centre for distribution.
Please contact us if you are interested in receiving multiple copies for your business/workplace.
Advertising rates can be found here.
Current and Previous Issues