Vision & Values

Vision & Values


Our Vision
A strong environmental community in Manitoba, bolstered by good governance processes,
working together to protect our environment for the benefit of current and future generations.

Our Mission
To promote good environmental governance, support and build capacity, advocate for
environmental justice, and act as a bridge between environmental organizations, the public, and
all levels of government.

About Us
The Manitoba Eco-Network is a non-profit registered charity which seeks to strengthen
Manitoba’s environmental community with the goal of protecting our environment for the benefit
of current and future generations. The Eco-Network facilitates connections, engages in
advocacy opportunities, and undertakes community-based research that promotes meaningful
public participation in environmental governance processes.
We serve as an umbrella for environmental non-governmental organizations across the
province. We build capacity and support grassroots organization’s participation in the
environmental community, we celebrate positive environmental actions that happen within
Manitoba, and work to elevate the voices of all those within our community.

Our Values
MbEN is proud of its contributions and achievements in its storied past and is committed to
expanding its influence on environmental governance as Manitoba society faces increasing
environmental challenges including the climate crisis. Although we draw essential lessons from
the past, our focus is on the future of our province and of the globe.
We will continually seek to:
Improve Environmental Justice – The planet, flora, fauna and humans are all interconnected.
When one suffers, we all suffer. As well, too often some humans thrive at the expense of
others. Working towards a better world means leaving no one behind, especially those most
vulnerable and those who do not have the opportunity to speak for themselves with an
expectation of being heard.
Amplify Indigenous Voices – MbEN’s interests are frequently consistent with those of
Indigenous communities and governments. We seek to ensure Indigenous voices are heard,
understood and that they guide our work.
Promote Evidence-based Solutions – there are many considerations that contribute to good
decision-making. MbEN stresses solutions which are strongly supported by western science and
Indigenous knowledge.
We are committed to the following approaches to doing our work:
Collaboration and Inclusivity – knowing that collaboration is much more powerful than
competition, strength comes from diversity, and that in the best of all worlds, yesterday’s foe can
be convinced to be tomorrow’s friend. We encourage local voices and invest in community
Holistic Thinking – we believe in an all-embracing approach that views every aspect of our
environment as a cohesive whole rather than a collection of isolated elements. We focus on the
big picture, and resist getting too caught up in the details.
Excellence – of the work we do. We take great pride in the quality of our work. We are reliable
partners and always work towards mutual empowerment with our partners and the community.
Accessibility – to the information we develop and share and for opportunities to work with us.
One of our greatest strengths is our ability to simplify complexity as a means of broadening